Another question about free-markets...

Petro petro at
Mon Oct 5 00:09:37 PDT 1998

At 11:53 PM -0500 10/4/98, Jim Choate wrote:
>Milton Friedman won the Nobel price in 1976 in economics. One of the
>questions he asked was:
>Do corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, have
>responsibilities in their business activities other than to make as much
>money for their stockholders as possible?
>His answer was 'no', they have no responsibility outside of those two
>considerations (ie the law, stockholders expectations of profit).

	The law was a very implicit assupmtion in his question.

	Take the law out of it and ask him again.

	If he gives you the same answer, he is wrong.
petro at work related issues. I don't speak for Playboy.
petro at everthing else.      They wouldn't like that.
                                              They REALLY
Economic speech IS political speech.          wouldn't like that.

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