Wired: AOL selling E-Stamps

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Sun Nov 22 20:47:21 PST 1998


				AOL's E-Stamp of Approval
                        Wired News Report 

                        12:20 p.m.  19.Nov.98.PST
                        Is it time for stamp collectors to go online? 

                        America Online (AOL) and E-Stamp, an online
                        postage firm, said on Thursday they will make
                        Internet postage service available to customers of
                        AOL, CompuServe, AOL.COM, and AOL's Digital

                        AOL and E-Stamp's service will allow customers to
                        securely purchase postage online and print
                        "digital stamps" on envelopes, labels, or
                        documents using their personal computer and a
                        standard printer. Customers must first install
                        E-Stamp software. They can then buy postage by
                        credit card, electronic fund transfer, or check. 

Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at pobox.com
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