Search and Seizure abuse...

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 19 18:22:26 PST 1998

(Apparently Bob H., juding from the cc: list, forwarded my message to
Jean-Francois. I am responding to Jean-Francois' comments, but also am
copying the Cypherpunks list.)

At 5:15 PM -0800 11/19/98, Jean-Francois Avon wrote:
>On Thu, 19 Nov 1998 19:40:47 -0500, Robert Hettinga wrote:
>>Why don't you just subscribe to cypherpunks and get it over with?
>Because of practical time constraints.  I am quite active on the firearms
>front and if I start getting CPunks stuff, I'll take forever,
>notwithstanding what TM said on the topic in 1995 about how little time it
>actually take to screen and process the list volume.

Yeah, and your "news" items on Canadian gun laws, along with a dozen other
people bombarding the CP list with "urgent news," are adding to the
clutter. And to the lack of serious discussion.

Too many lists, especially, I am sad to say, uncensored lists, are being
bombarded by news items. The fact is, there are far, far better ways  to
get all the news one wants. I refer to Yahoo, Excite, Lycos, Wired,
Dejanews, and at least a dozen other such general sites. Not to mention
various and sundry sites for news magazines and networks.

Some people, even some people actually subscribed to the CP list, routinely
bounce a dozen news messages at a time to the CP list. One thing I've taken
to doing is to use the "Option-Click" command in Eudora to group _all_ of
the messages from one author together and highlight them...then I delete
them all at one time.

(So, Detweiler, now you know why I may not be responding to your non-news
articles...I've been forced to delete the dozens of "vznuri" articles from
"Ignition point" and other such news spammers.)

>>Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:02:23 -0800
>>To: cypherpunks at
>>From: Tim May <tcmay at>
>>At 12:46 PM -0800 11/19/98, Jean-Francois Avon wrote:
>>Sorry, I won't do this.
>>Anyone who wants to start a discussion on a mailing list SHOULD BE ON THAT
>But, Tim, I have no intention on starting a discussion, I just spam CPunks
>with information pertaining to freedom and, to some extent, ITAR.  Consider
>me as a news service...  :-)

Your stuff is often days behind what we've already seen, notwithstanding
the fact that this list is not a news dump site.

(It's especially ironic when one of the news spammers forwards an article
written by Declan McCullagh. Declan writes it, the Web sites carry it,
"ignition point" newsspams it to subscribers, then some subscriber to
"ignition point" who isn't bothering to read the list forwards it to the CP
list. Sometimes with a clueless "Hey, thought you guys might be interested
in this.")

>I refrain to post personnal opinions and simply forward topics that are
>freedom-related.  Since crypto and firearms are very close cousins indeed, I
>think that it might be on topic.  You will note that whenever I post on the
>CFD, I use a crypto-flavored *.sig file.  Come on guys, stop nitpicking!
>And among all of CPunks, especially you, Tim May!

If you can't do your own analysis, you have no business blindly spamming
lists you are not even subscribed to.

--Tim May

Common Y2K line: "I'm not preparing, but I know where _you_ live."
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Licensed Ontologist         | black markets, collapse of governments.

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