simple socket forwarder

HyperReal-Anon nobody at
Thu Nov 19 14:20:57 PST 1998

ichudov at Algebra.Com (Igor Chudov @ home) wrote:
>Anonymous wrote:
>> Does anyone have a simple packet forwarder to run
>> on a unix system? I want to set up a daemon on an
>> account to just redirect traffic from a particular port
>> to another host for some basic anonymity, but I don't
>> have experience doing socket coding, nor a book.
>It seems that what you need is called a proxy server.
>There was a perl script floating around that worked as a proxy server.
>If you do it for web accesses, consider using Crowd, a distributed
>network of anonymizing proxy servers.
>	- Igor.

I want to use it as a proxy for NNTP.

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