dbts: Privacy Fetishes, Perfect Competition, and the Foregone(fwd)

Petro petro at playboy.com
Wed Nov 11 11:42:20 PST 1998

At 9:22 AM -0500 11/11/98, Albert P. Franco, II wrote:
>You obviously think that anything goes in business. Frankly Gates is a
>perfect example of why you anarcho-BS is doomed to failure. He will do
>anything (and has) he can to be the only player in every market he touches.

	And despite this, and his having large numbers of lawyers on his
side, and despite having large quantities of cash to persue advertising,

same on the desktop.

	Linux had little corporate funding (some Government thru it's
subsidies of colleges and the internet), almost no advertising, and no, or
negative mindshare until recently.

>He has destroyed otherwise perfectly good businesses and products just to
>increase his profits. He has violated workers rights to increase his
>profit. In short he has demonstrated that if you let him murder wouldn't be
>to far a step to reach his goals.

	Ah, but if we let HIM, then we'd have that shot as well.

>He is the monster that proves that your ideas are actually very very old

	He is not a monster, he is just doing what many other businessmen
have done down thru the years.

>And so everybody's so busy shooting each other that nobody is investing,
>and I have to ask, "What happened to the capitalism part of

	You assume that people will always be shooting. Most will figure
out that guns really aren't an economical solution to most problems.

	Remember the "Bad, Bad" wild west? Well, it seems that despite what
the movies tell you, you are more likely to get shot today in parts of
Chicago or LA than in most of the Old West. Why? Guns really don't pay as a
wealth _getter_, only as a wealth keeper.

>War is simply not good economics, and anarchy is war--constant, festering,
>sometimes small scale, sometimes large scale, but always war.

	By that comparison, so is life.
"To sum up: The entire structure of antitrust statutes in this country is a
jumble of economic irrationality and ignorance. It is a product: (a) of a
gross misinterpretation of history, and (b) of rather naïve, and certainly
unrealistic, economic theories." Alan Greenspan, "Anti-trust"

Petro::E-Commerce Adminstrator::Playboy Ent. Inc.::petro at playboy.com

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