fuck copyright (Re: Advertising Creepiness) (fwd)

Information Security guy at panix.com
Tue Nov 10 16:44:02 PST 1998

   >   From: Adam Back <aba at dcs.ex.ac.uk>
   >   Jim Choate writes:
   >   > 
   >   > Ah, true but I was addressing the last sentence about the cost being so low
   >   > nobody will charge for it.....sounds like the nuclear industry marketing
   >   > speal of the 50's....
   >   One barrier to such an enterprise is the domain name recognition,
   >   people want wired, they type wired.com; what do they type if they want
   >   the lower priced mirrors?

Uno momento...

    Ask AltaVistaTM a question. 
    Example: "Where can I find information on bicycles?"

Okay, let's give it a spin...

   Where can I find information on low priced mirrors?


    AltaVista found about 1,045,119 Web pages for you. 
    1. In this site you'll find low priced computer hardware including Pentium CPU
    2. Pasadena Pins & Patches - Low Priced Jewelry - Die Struck Enamel
    3. Pasadena Pins & Patches - Low Priced Jewelry - Photo-Etched
    4. BUSINESS BOOK SALE! Excellent online, low-priced books here!
    5. Low Priced Beanie Baby Link List Guide
    6. Pentium Computer Systems and Low priced computer components
    7. Inexpensive Software Cheap Software Low Priced Software
    8. D&R Computer - Your source for great low priced home PCs and business systems.
    9. THE UNDER $10 STOCK REPORT - Low Priced - High Yield Stocks
    10. Spider Web Designs - low priced web-site design, development, hosting, and cre

Hmmm, let me try that again.

The "+" is a meta-search character, meaning required.

    Where can I find information on low priced +mirrors?

    1. Miscellaneous Optical Suppliers. Polarizers.
    2. The Bronze Face Mirror is a large (14 x 12 cm) mirror made out of clay. 
    3. The Eye Rings that have a diameter of 2cm are made from a special clay. 
    4. This Mermaid of Flower ? make up shelf (24 x 84cm) is made from wood.
    5. This large (20 x 30 cm) Corset mirror is made from clay and wood. 
    6. The Large Space Ship Mirror is now made from wood (70 x 45 cm) 
    7. Gold-Leafed Oval Mirrors. Original designs, sophisticated finishes, and remarkable wholesale prices.
    8. These Wooden Lips are available in Red, Pink and Purple (76 x 53 cm). 
    9. The Little Devil is a large (14 x 16 cm) face mirror made out of clay. 
    10. Goderich Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Trucks, Goderich, Ontario, Canada, new and used vehicles

Wow. Just like 4th-generation development languages put
programmers out of business, these search engines will
eliminate the need for any other form of advertising.


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