IP: NSA Threatens To "OUT" Republicans Over Hubbell Investigation

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Mon Nov 9 14:41:17 PST 1998

From: softwar at us.net (CharlesSmith)
Subject: IP: NSA Threatens To "OUT" Republicans Over Hubbell Investigation
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:53:35 -0500 (EST)
To: ignition-point at majordomo.pobox.com

President Clinton has tried to avoid the subject of encryption
exports to China while considering the release of Israeli
crypto-spy Jonathan Pollard.  Yet, encryption has played a large
role in a foreign donation scandal with one of Clinton's closest
associates, Webster Hubbell.

After losing at the polls, Republican insiders are grumbling
that they could not investigate Hubbell because the secret
National Security Agency (NSA) is threatening to retaliate
against hill members.

Webster Hubbell took money from Lippo in 1994.  Mr. Hubbell
served time in Federal prison because of his Whitewater
uncovered during Ken Starr's investigation.  

In 1993, Attorney General Janet Reno tasked Mr. Hubbell to
encryption under the CLIPPER encryption chip project.  Hubbell
had access to highly classified materials on encryption chip
design, including algorithms and software.  Hubbell met often in
the White House with now CIA Director George Tenet on the
CLIPPER project.

According to a Republican Capitol Hill staff member the "NSA
does not want Hubbell investigated."  The NSA has quietly
threatened to "out any congressional member like (Congressman)
Burton" who mentions Hubbell with encryption and China.

The NSA threat is not a hollow one because the agency is
certainly equipped with incriminating and/or embarrassing
personal information gathered from years of phone intercepts.
The NSA is the prime listening agency for national intelligence.

The NSA is equipped with satellites, super computers, employs an
estimated 25,000 and has a budget estimated to be one third of
the $26 billion U.S. intelligence budget each year.

John Huang, Ron Brown and Web Hubbell were deeply involved in
classified NSA encryption systems.  Specifically, John Huang,
Lippo banker, DNC fundraiser and secret-cleared Commerce
employee was briefed 37 times by the CIA on satellite encryption
technology.  According to the Commerce Department, Mr. Huang had
no encryption materials.

CLIPPER, according to secret Clinton documents, was to be
implemented by law whether it by "mandatory" legislation or a
"voluntary" system of taxpayer backed payments.  The CLIPPER
chip, according to a secret FBI document, also had an
"exploitable" feature allowing the U.S. government to monitor

The NSA CLIPPER chip was intended to provide all the banking and
financial security for the entire United States.  It was to be
required in every computer, fax and phone manufactured.

According to more secret FBI documents, CLIPPER also had one big
flaw.  A single penetration of the master key list would
compromise the entire system.

Ron Brown insisted that the Commerce Department be one of the
master CLIPPER key holders.  President Clinton tasked Brown to
the project in 1993 in a top-secret executive order.  According
to Nolinda Hill, Brown was aware that the encryption transfers
to China were bordering on treason.  

NASA administrator Benita Cooper wrote in 1993 that "compromise
of the NSA keys, such as in the Walker case, could compromise
the entire EES (CLIPPER) system."  Ms. Cooper at NASA knew
convicted spy John Walker sent tons of materials on U.S. secret
code systems to Russia for years during the Cold War.  One
breach of CLIPPER in a NASA computer could kill many and ruin
the agency.

In 1994 President Clinton began personally authorizing the
export of advanced, nuclear hardened, encryption technology
directly to communist China.  The exports took place with
presidential waivers that included the signature of Bill
Clinton.  They also took place using loopholes and bureaucratic
gray areas of U.S. export law.

The Clinton exports included such military items as advanced
fiber optic communications; radiation hardened encrypted
satellite control systems, encrypted radios and cellular phones,
and encrypted navigation systems.  According to the GAO,
President Clinton even approved the sale of a fully operational,
secure air traffic control system for the Chinese Air Force.

The failure of the NSA CLIPPER project is already a blot on the
secret agency based at Ft. Meade.  The possibility that Chinese
agents penetrated the NSA project would bring encryption to the
forefront of public debate and shine intense light on an inept
intelligence agency.

The seemingly crazy Clinton policy shows our President to be
crazy like a fox.  Clinton did what Pollard and Walker could not
do.  President Clinton sold national security secrets for cash
by writing his own legal waivers.  

Clinton's secret crypto policy served to line the pockets of
politicians and greedy corporate executives with red money.  The
Clinton export policy has significantly upgraded the nuclear
strategic and tactical firepower of the Chinese Army.  Clinton,
like Walker and Pollard, sold military code secrets for cash.

America knows more about AREA-51 and UFOs than Ft. Meade and
Webster Hubbell.  Bill Clinton and his China crypto-tale will
never be declassified for the American people.  The Clinton
scandal cover-up is backed by the NSA library of greatest
intercepts against Republicans.


Information on CLIPPER, Ron Brown and Vince Foster - 


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      softwar at softwar.net
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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            11/08/1998
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