dbts: Lions and TEMPESTs and Black Helicopters (Oh, My!)

Michael Motyka mmotyka at lsil.com
Mon Nov 2 20:36:34 PST 1998

> "Awwwww, C'Monnnn. Niiiice taxpayer. Staaaaay. *Don't* go anywhere.
> Pleeeeease?"

By and large I agree with you, the fears of TotalControl(tm) are largely
unfounded. Abuses do exist. Always have.


These unregulated virtual economies need to conduct trade with
ActualPhysicalSpace. The interface is where the control will be exerted.
If you can't safely convert your LibertE$ to physical goods their value
will be quite low. Participation will be limited.

Also, as the TaxAorta becomes occluded the TaxDoctors will have to
devote more energy and use more drastic methods to keep the flow going. 


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