Kill 'em all...*I'll* sort 'em out...

Timothy C. May tm at dev.null
Tue Mar 24 16:22:06 PST 1998

-----	Forward from TruthMonger III	-----

I would like to congratulate and thank you for the courageous stance
that you have taken by doing your part to help stop the spread of 
anarchistic and possibly illegal content on the InterNet by denying 
access to those who use the freedom and rights granted them by the 
Constitution to abuse those privileges.

  Your stance is particularly admired by those of us who share your
interest in preventing the spread of free access to all types of 
information, in light of the fact that you have not shied away from 
persecuting those connected with the Circle of Eunuchs, thus possibly 
putting yourself, your family and your business in physical danger, as 
well as virtual danger.
  Given the current dissension within the ranks of the Cirle of Eunuchs
and the Army of Dog, concerning whether their assault on censorship and 
censors should be consumated in CyberSpace or MeatSpace, there are few 
who are willing to put themselves in the line of fire to support the 
same ideals that other great Americans, such as Senator Joe McCarthy and 
J. Edgar Hoover, have championed.

  Regardless of the possible physical danger you will be subjected to if
the proponents of MeatSpace retruibution to censorship supporters win 
out in the current battle for control of the resources of the Army of 
Dog, your choice to submit to government oppressors and legal threats is 
likely the right one, since the government currently has more and better 
armed thugs than those who oppose them.

TruthMonger III
"Ain't no safety this side of the grave...never has been...never will

---- End of Alleged Forwarded Message -----

  Despite the fact that the missive you are currently reading is an
obvious forgery, I, Timothy C. May <tm at dev.null>, would like to exhort
all of my fellow victims of forgeries by the DogMeister at Sympatico to
form their own Cult of One chapter of the Army of Dog.
  Unless each and every individual who is concerned with gaining the
liberty to exercise the basic rights and freedoms which come from
being a unique participant in the universe which has formed them
(and which they have had a hand in forming) steps forward to demand
the right to exercise and manifest their values and beliefs in
MeatSpace, as well as CyberSpace...uuhhh...has anybody seen my

"We have met the future of rEvolution, and it is us."
~ Ogop

  Due to the heavy investment I have made in MeatSpace weaponry, I will
be supporting the factions of the Army of Dog which are promoting a
physical war against the enemies of freedom, but I recognize that those
whose investment is in newer warfare technologies have an equal right
to fight the battle within the slightly more infinite boundaries of
Digital Reality.

"The screens of freedom must occassionally be refreshed with a GUI-
 supported blood-color of digital martyrs."
~ AGuyTooLazyToLookUpTheOriginalQuote

  Despite the concerns of some members of the Cypherpunks Distributed
Mailing List about the forged attributions of the DogMeister concerning
the beliefs and stances of various individual list members, we all know,
deep down inside, that Janet Reno's secret lover, Officer Furhman, is
right when he whispers in her ear during their fuckmaking (in a manner
that is a felony in the majority of states, which is why they only do
it in Federal offices), "The CypherPunks may not be guilty of the
crimes that TruthMongrel attributes to them, but they are all guilty
of *something*..."

Timothy C. May <tm at dev.null>
"There is something 'Wong' when I have to send 'chop, chop' messages
 to an increasing number of posters to the Cypherpunks list."

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