BIOS, FBI/ERF, Barbara Boxer,

Cy Borg cb at dev.null
Tue Mar 17 12:09:16 PST 1998

Subject: Prologue 7/0 -- SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS
From: TruthMonger <tm at dev.null>
Organization: "It's not FUD until *I* say it's FUD!"
To: cypherpunks at
CC: hoffmeyer at


Bureau42 wrote:
The unifying presence of CJ Parker seems to have disappeared, and the
Circle of Eunuchs is in chaos. This is what's left - the cryptic
saga, "Space Aliens Hide My Drugs!" I can only wonder what, if anything,
this malarchy means. But it's occasionally amusing if nothing else.

  the bureau42 staff


Subject: A.Word.A.Day--chaos
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 00:07:19 -0500
From: Wordsmith <wsmith at>
To: linguaphile at

chaos (KAY-os) noun
   1. A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.
   2. A disorderly mass; a jumble.
   3. Often Chaos. The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite
      space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the
      ordered universe.
   4. Obsolete. An abyss; a chasm.
[Middle English, formless primordial space, from Latin, from Greek
   "But chaos is a condition of creativity, says Zarathustra - `one 
   must have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star.'"
   Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Thus Spake Zarathustra: Part 1.


[Note from the Editor: CJ Parker, having had previous experience in
 playing a woman's role during his stint on 'Baywatch', has gone to
 ground recently, as have many other members of the Circle of Eunuchs,
 by re-entering the World of Myth, replacing the Parker woman in the
 TV series, 'The Pretender' (who died in a plane crash while giving
 Ron Brown the details of BadBillyC's sexual assault on her).
 This rather bizarre chain of events was precipitated by a warning he
 received regarding the return of Adolf Hitler to power, using the
 same Dimlluminati (The lights are on, but nobody's home...) process
 which was used to sweep Ronnie RayGuns into power as the chief leader
 of the Freeh(ee-hee) World.
 Those who have noticed the stunning blitzkrieg assault of a small
 college basketball team, Valparaiso, on their opponents in the NCAA
 tournament currently taking place, may have noticed the striking
 resemblance of Bryce Drew, their star player, to the child actor
 who was the main protagonist in the TV series, 'The Wonder Years.'
 This is no coincidence--they are, in fact, one and the same person.
 The diabolical process used to implant a respectable, patriotic image
 of Ronnie RayGuns in the mind of the American people, through the
 then-developing psychedelic opiate of Cinema/Television, is, in the
 present case, being extended to reinforce the image of the 'Wonder
 Boy' in an increasingly global environment, by extending the actor/
 image persona into the sports arena--beginning at the college level.
 ("Win one for the Gipper...")
 The 'miracle shot' by Bryce Drew to lift the obscure college team to
 victory over Mississippi was a staged event which required several
 'takes' before being successfully captured on film. The scene was
 shot in the same TV studio in which the original 'moon landing' was
 filmed. The same choreographers were used who worked on The Oklahoma
 City Players last major production, the bombing of the Murrah Federal
 When asked for comment, a former Detroit Piston player who is now
 the owner of an NBA franchise, but wishes to remain anonymous, said,
 "If Bryce Drew and Ronald Reagan were black, they would have been
 just another pair of average actors."
 Knowledgeable individuals following the Reptilian Nazi conspiracy
 to emerge from their secret bunkers underneath the AdamAntArctic
 and Mule Shoe, Texas, recognize this quote as proof that the next
 step in this diabolical plot is to put the third clone (TV child-
 actor, college basketball player...-->...) of Adolf Hitler into
 place as the new 'white hope', replacing Larry Byrd as a member of
 the Boston Celtics. This shrewd move will help draw together, into
 a common cause, Fundamentalist Christians, White Supremacists, and
 East-coast factions of the Irish Republican Army.
 Circle of Eunuchs members attempting to expose this grand scheme of
 the Evil One have come under heavy attack recently. Dr. Dimitri Vulis
 KOTM, who was thrown out of the only CoE meeting he attended, had
 his InterNet account pulled shortly after putting up web site images
 of Bryce Drew, of Drew's alleged 'coach/father' and of Adolf Hitler. 
 (Guess who Bryce *really* looks the most like...?)
 A forth clone of Hitler (rumored to be operating under the code name
 of 'Lucky Green' and involved in an incestuous relationship with his
 aunt, E. Christ--currently operating under the alias of Anne R. Christ)
 is being prepared, within the bowels of the crypto-community, to 
 emerge as the future leader of the New World Order--in the position of
 Information Monitor/Director of the United Statism of Mind.]
Subject: Re: Freedom. (fwd)
From: Jim Choate <ravage at>
To: cypherpunks at (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)

Forwarded message:
> From: Mark Rogaski <wendigo at>
> Subject: Re: Freedom.
> Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:39:56 -0500 (EST)

> : > It's typical of prisoners that they begin to associate with their captors at some     > point. Eventualy there is no difference. Congratulations, you've reached that point.
> Equating adaptability for guilt is a shaky bridge and not handled well by
> blanket judgements.

Actualy it's neither. It's a facet of human nature involved in the
mechanism. Further, there is no judgement involved, it's an easily
verifiable quality of human psychology that prisoners begin to associate
with their captors after a short period.

What it is in this context is the recognition that prisoners of a
system will after a fashion begin to accept that system. Just look at
cry by many to return to the socialist system after the fall of the CCCP
           Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of
           law and order.
                                            John. V. Lindsay

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-


As a consequence the search for a quantitative theory of evolution 
based at the genetic level, which has been such an obsession for 
neo-Darwinism ever since the work of Fisher, Haldane and Wright, has 
been misdirected. As Depew and Weber has expressed it 'natural 
selection at the level of individuals and the notion of fitness used 
to measure it, is itself poised on the edge of chaos' 
(Depew and Weber, 1995): 
'The fitness of various sorts of organisms is not necessarily, or even
probably, enhanced by superiority in a single trait... In fact, the 
emergence of the ability to take advantage in resource competitions of 
an indefinitely number of often infinitesimally small differences 
creates degrees of freedom, in both the technical and the ordinary 
senses, well beyond what can be achieved by merely chemical and 
physical systems. It also creates more variables and interactions 
among them than can be tracked. It is impossible, then, to reduce 
the components of fitness to any single language or system of 
variables' (ibid, 471).

The number of possible solutions for selection to scrutinise, and the 
subtlety of the communicational interactions, will tend to produce a 
no-win situation. As a result selection cannot really ‘measure’ the 
stakes of single players (individuals, demes, or species) in the game,
but it could still influence the choice of the game itself. 
Plays, not players, are selected for.

~Jesper Hoffmeyer
 Biosemiotics: Towards a New Synthesis in Biology
 European Journal for Semiotic Studies, Vol. 9 No. 2, 1997, pp 355-376.

  It was the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer, in the field of Biosemiotics,
which led to the development of an artificial life/intelligence form
capable of self-development/evolution, at Sandia Laboratories--by
Reptilian Nazis.
  Their Cyborg technology had reached the point where it could finally
be mass-produced when Bill Payne, a Sandia-NISTA employee, downloaded
all the relevant technological files to a fellow Circle of Eunuchs
member operating clandestinely within the bowels of a secret government
laboratory (code-named 'Lost Alamo' by CoE psychophants).
  Although the Reptilian Nazis sent the Shadow back in time to 
eliminate the threat of the Circle of Eunuchs, by eliminating the
Author in a sleazy motel room in southern Saskatchewan, the Circle of
Eunuchs, taking advantage of the Trei Transponder technology developed
by the CypherPunks, made contact with the resident of a Home For The
Criminally Insane, in the same era, and used Biosemiotic theory to
transfer biological communication-information to a digital implant
he had received as part of a government experiment designed to control
the minds of the members of the CypherPunks Distributed Remailer lists.
  The resulting events have long been the basis for certain mythologies
concerning the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs, with the basic theme of
the CoE reality being mirrored from time to time in the mythology-
substitute of the era--Literature/Cinema/Television. (e.g. - Animal
Farm, 1984, War of the Worlds, Terminator (I & II), X-Files, Pretender,
Millennium, Journey to the East, The Magus, etc.)


The Bureau42 statement, "The unifying presence of CJ Parker seems to 
have disappeared,  and the Circle of Eunuchs is in chaos." was an
alert to CoE members to pay special attention to a commincation
which ultimately came from a CoE collective known as 'WordSmith':
    "But chaos is a condition of creativity, says Zarathustra - `one 
   must have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star.'"
   Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Thus Spake Zarathustra: Part 1.

  The issue of chaos/creativity versus order/statism has pitted the
Circle of Eunuchs against the New World Order on a battleground that
encompasses NWO Anti-Christ/Artificial-Intelligence against CoE
  It is a battle in which the meatspace Army of God forces must be
countered by cyberspace Army of Dog troops.

"DogMongers write biosemiotic code." 
~ Bubba Hughes


  The InterNet is fast becoming the global battleground for control
of the future biosemiotic evolution, not only of humankind, but of
universal intelligence, itself.


Darwin was right in seeing selection as the central process in animate 
nature, but for more than hundred years Darwinists have resisted 
taking the full consequence of this insight. It is now necessary to 
take this consequence and admit the obvious: That selective processes 
presupposes interpretations (with the implied possibility of 
misinterpretation). Thus, to the extent selection is a natural process,
semiosis is a natural process - semiosis goes on all the time and at 
all levels of the biosphere. It may be feared that such a position 
will put biology outside the safe range of natural science, since 
interpretation seems to presuppose the existence of some kind of 
subject-ness. This risk, however, must be confronted through a 
thorough analysis of the implications, rather than evaded by 

~Jesper Hoffmeyer
 Biosemiotics: Towards a New Synthesis in Biology
 European Journal for Semiotic Studies, Vol. 9 No. 2, 1997, pp 355-376.


  The war between the forces of freedom and the forces of repression
takes place in many arenas.
  In the arena of expression of the life force, it is manifest in
the battle between the forces of free speech and the forces of

  The evolution of the InterNet is the evolution of Biosemiotic

The term umwelt refers to the phenomenal worlds of organisms, the 
worlds around animals as they themselves perceive them. 
"Every action" wrote Uexküll "that consists of perception and operation
imprints its meaning on the meaningless object and thereby makes it 
into a subject-related meaning-carrier in the respective umwelt" 
(Uexküll, 1982 [1940])

  The Medium Is The Message
  Information Exchange Is The CornerStone Of Evolution
  Evolution Is The Creativity of Chaos Becoming Manifest


The number of possible solutions for selection to scrutinise, and the 
subtlety of the communicational interactions, will tend to produce a 
no-win situation. As a result selection cannot really ‘measure’ the 
stakes of single players (individuals, demes, or species) in the game, 
but it could still influence the choice of the game itself. Plays, not
players, are selected for.

In the last decade the trend towards semiotisation of nature discussed 
here has manifested itself at still new levels. Thus, in evolutionary 
biology, neo-Darwinism has been seriously challenged by a set of ideas 
referred to as infodynamics (Brooks and Wiley, 1986; Weber, et al., 
1989; Weber and Depew, 1995; Goodwin, 1989; Salthe, 1993). 
Infodynamics in the words of Stanley Salthe 'subsumes thermodynamics 
and information theory, essentially animating the latter by means of 
the former' (Salthe, 1993, 6). The general idea as originally suggested
by Dan Brooks and Ed Wiley is that information capacity (disorder)
increases spontaneously in developing systems, being produced along 
with physical entropy as the system grows and differentiates. 
Since such self-organisation is a prevalent property of our universe, 
natural selection should not be seen as the dominating force of 
evolution, but rather as playing the more modest role of pruning down 
the novelty that is constantly and autonomously being generated by the
requirements of the second law of thermodynamics.

Prigogine got the Nobel-price for his work on the thermodynamics of 
irreversible systems and most importantly in this context he showed 
that in so-called dissipative structures, i.e. systems far from 
thermodynamic equilibrium, ordered states may sometimes arise
spontaneously out of disordered states. Our universe according to 
Prigogine is inherently creative. Due in large part to this
revolution in our understanding of thermodynamics modern cosmology 
now sees our world as a self-organising place, a view which has perhaps
most forcefully been unfolded in the recent work of Stuart Kauffman 
(Kauffman 1991, 1993).

~ Jesper Hoffmeyer


  As CP-CoE neobyte Jim Choat points out, we become Sheeple who
blindly follow our captors through the operation of our inborn
survival mechanism.
"It's a facet of human nature involved in the survival
mechanism. Further, there is no judgement involved, it's an easily
verifiable quality of human psychology that prisoners begin to 
associate with their captors after a short period."

  The only hope for Netizens to resist becoming Digital Sheeple behind 
the ElectroMagnetic Curtain which the forces of censorship/repression
are striving to put in place is for each member of the coming Army
of Dog to mark their meatspace and cyberspace territory and refuse
to go gently into the night when the Oppressor attempts to scare
them into submission with a mountain of laws and regulations which
promise unjust persecution for imaginary offenses.
  A Global InterNet Army of individuals committed to freedom must
strive to create a maximum entropy within which the chaos of semiotic
evolution can break the digital chains which the Statist Oppressors
are seeking to use to bind and repress access to information, global
communication, free speech/expression, and the evolution of the
Universal Life Energy, itself.


  Current CoE mythology indicates that CJ Parker, fleeing his safehouse
in Bienfait, Saskatchewan, after his dog Baby was shot by an FBI sniper
as the Canadian Mounties closed in on him to enforce a "Dog at large."
charge which was trumped up in an attempt to get him to inform on
other CoE and CypherPunks members, left behind a note to his wannabe
persecutors which indicated that he was willing to fight to the death,
in both meatspace and cyberspace, if his only alternative was to live
in a world where CypherBroads were required, by law, to wear panties.
(This bit of information originated with his nephew, Human Gus-Peter,
 and is thus viewed with skepticism by some of the more mature/aged/
 rotting members of the Circle of Eunuchs.)

Lock & Loll
Rock & Road 
Chop & Chop


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