Burning papers (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at ssz.com
Sun Jan 25 19:27:20 PST 1998

Forwarded message:

> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 04:00:08 +0100 (MET)
> Subject: Re: Burning papers
> From: nobody at REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)

> I've heard that you can look at it under a microscope with a polarizing
> filter and see the magnetic patterns.

Go down to your local security or electronics supply (not Rat Shack) and
you should be able to buy a polarized loupe and see it directly.

> Plastic should burn fine, as most is polyethylene (CH2) which produces
> water and carbon dioxide when burned, leaving virtually no residue.  The
> only plastic that you'd need to worry about is chlorinated stuff like PVC.

If it has any N in it then don't burn it in a closed space otherwise you
will get various xCN compounds. These are very toxic, KCN is Potassium Cyanide.

In general you don't want to burn most plastics in closed spaces or be
downwind because they do give off various toxic chemicals. You can check
with your local fire dept. and they can provide references on the plastics
used in television cases, 3.5 floppy covers (v the disk itself), video tape,
etc. and the sorts of gases they give off.

When my house burned 3 years ago both my cats were killed because of smoke
inhalation (approx. 9 computers and bunches of other plastics went up). It
was not a pretty sight. Congealed blood from lung eruptions on their lips,
very blue tinge to the skin, etc. Not a pretty sight.

If you're smart avoid burning plastics except under very controlled

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