return.C -- performance tracking tool (fwd)

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at
Tue Feb 24 16:00:23 PST 1998

William H. Geiger III wrote:
>    at 02:47 PM, Alexandre Maret <amaret at> said:
> >Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> >> 
> >> I have been using this program for a while and decided to share it
> >> with the other readers. It is written in C++.
> >this is not a financial mailing list.
> >and this code is not C++... it just needs a C++ compiler to
> >compile. real C++ code doesn't use fprintf, scanf, nor strcmp...

Excuse me, mah friend, it is C++ in its pure form, with classes and all.

> Let's not forget that *real* C++ apps are bloated several time that of
> comparable C apps (god forbid anyone write some tight ASM code).

Not this one. But you have a good point.

	- Igor.

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