Some children are rabid and need to be put down

Brad bdolan at USIT.NET
Sat Feb 21 22:11:09 PST 1998

It occurs to me that society has been restructured so that "the
authorities" are the only ones permitted to fix many sorts of
commonly-encountered problems  which individual citizens used to be able
to take care of themselves. Like spanking a spoiled 5 year old child
instead of charging her with a felony.  Further, said authorities have
great and arbitrary powers to fix things however they want.

Combine this regular dependence on arbitrary authority with an Orwellian
database of Good Citizens and Troublemakers in the hands of that authority
and what have you got?  A cowed citizenry, to say the least.


On Sat, 21 Feb 1998, Tim May wrote:

> At 6:13 AM -0800 2/21/98, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> >Well you have definatly jumped off the deep end on this one Tim. If we
> >were talking a teenager going out of control then I would agree with you.
> >A 5 year old though??
> >
> >>If a teacher can't defend herself, legally and professionally, from
> >>children biting and throwing chairs, the cops have to be called.
> >

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