putting down the US military

Attila T. Hun attila at hun.org
Sat Feb 21 07:02:50 PST 1998


on or about 980220:2144, in < at popd.ix.netcom.com>, 
    Bill Stewart <bill.stewart at pobox.com> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

>>    absolutely. misplaced criticism and a personal offense to me
>>    as well as all other servicemen.

>Sending US soldiers in to do a fool's errand like that should offend you
>even more.   
    absolutely, the government has obviously offended me more by
    its incredible stupidity: Vietnam, Somalia, Panama,
    Honduras, and the rest of their ill-conceived police actions
    and meddling; installing Khadafi, Hussein, the Shah, Nasser,
    whatever his name is in Syria, etc.; and now, the incredible
    attempt of Bubba to cover his domestic problems of an
    insatiable wandering dick with a "surgical" strike on the 
    long suffering Iraqi population who will again be the 
    collateral damage which doesn't happen (at least in theory).

    all the U.S. gains is an Iraqi population who hate the U.S.
    even more for our stupidity and therefore turn to Saddam who
    at least gives them pride, even if it does not feed their
    children --not to mention the enmity of the rest of the Arab
    world. even Iran is supporting Iraq which ought to tell us

    Pax Americana --yeah, Americana it is, but where's the Pax? 

    if Bubba's going to press the button, he might as well press
    the big one and leave everything east of the beaches in Tel
    Aviv, all the way to Burma, a glass parking lot.

    out of the ashes of Iraq and the American morality, dont be
    surprised to see the man in the blue turban rise like the

>And telling a free people that they should give up the guns
>they protect their families with because
>the UN will take care of protecting them is an offense to them.
    well, as I said: I have no regrets for what I did, but I
    sure as hell have regrets for whom I did the deeds. the
    sorry bastards who claim to be "my" government have no
    claim on my respect. 

    as I said before: is it not odd that the more the government
    tries to abridge our freedom of speech, the more they want
    to confiscate our weapons?

    a well-armed populace is a threat to a corrupt, suppressive
    government; the first step in subjugating the American 
    population to become part of the UN/NWO "family" is to 
    confiscate personal arms in the name of public safety --or,
    the fear of criminal actions by loose cannons, etc. 

    arms registration is the first step towards confiscation.

    I've been trying to find something about that pack of 
    thieves trying to deify themselves that has not earned my
    contempt. I'll announce it, when I find it, but dont hold 
    your breath.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be


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