PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments

Attila T. Hun attila at
Thu Feb 19 22:17:49 PST 1998


on or about 980219:2334, in <199802200612.BAA31481 at>, 
    "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii at> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

    [chop 80% of the various rantings]

> Tune said:

>>You sound like nothing more than disillusioned, spoiled, pompous asshole
>>when you presume to know what Americans "understand".  Your anarchistic
>>ravings only mark you for the idiot you are.

>>To everyone else besides Cordian who reads this, my apologies, but for
>>all it's failings, I still have pride in America... ...not for all the
>>foreign policy bullshit or the way the government fucks us over, or
>>starts wars, or sticks their collective nose in other countries
>>business...but for the fact that as a whole people, Americans still keep
>>trying, everyday, to be a better people. I'm proud of that.

>Wow! I haven't seen this kind of reactionary temper-tantrum since the
>last 4th of July BBQ down at the VFW.

    really? you start yours with a prayer followed by the statement:

        OK, fellas, friendly game; all guns on the table...

>So how long were you in?? Usally this type of "God save the King"
>mentality wears off after a boot has been in the field for a few months.
>For the more febal minded it lasts longer but they usally never make it
>above Cpl. or 1st Lt.

    very true, for those who have never been deployed into the
    face of the beast. 

    those who have been in combat have an entirely different

    the peacetime Army is a often a goldbrickers union for lack
    of something better to do. and it is definitely not true in
    the Corps with the exception of the few who take the two
    year stint and four years active reserve and are somewhat
    disillusioned by the inactivity as they never hit the floats
    or are otherwise deployed.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be


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