RE Fingerprints and EF Georgia

WebWarrior3 at InfoWar.Com WebWarrior3 at InfoWar.Com
Thu Feb 5 22:31:06 PST 1998

has had an ongoing project dealing with fingerprinting for DL's

This is in reply to Jim Burns' post:
"If your interested in this problem, I believe that the Georgia
wing of the EFF is mounting a campaign against fingerprinting on
driver's licenses.

Can't remember the URL for it though..."

EF Georgia has consistantly had some mighty fine information on their
mail list, still on topic too for the most part.

Scott R. Brower
Electronic Frontiers Florida
BTW...neither EFGA nor EFFlorida, or as far as I know, any other EF
group... is affiliated with EFF in any way but certain principals which
bind us together in a common cause.

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