
David Honig honig at
Tue Feb 3 21:26:42 PST 1998

At 02:37 PM 2/3/98 +0000, Simon Fraser wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Chip Mefford wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be nice to hold culpable for all their spamming ways.
>> want to own the internet, let them hang for it.
>It would be nice to differentiate between the spammers themselves and the
>ISP they use. 

Yes. Otherwise an ISP loses common-carrier status and is thus
responsible for the content of its traffic.

Blame the junk-faxers, not the telcos.  

David Honig 			honig at
Is Monica Lewinsky endorsing kneepads for Nike yet?

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