A new crypto-campaign, from Time/Netly News

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Mon Feb 2 09:53:52 PST 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 12:07:24 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
To: politech at vorlon.mit.edu



Time Magazine
February 9, 1998
Page 20

A few years ago, ED GILLESPIE was busy orchestrating the
Republican takeover of Congress as the G.O.P.'s top
spinmeister. Now the man behind the Contract with America
is shifting to high tech as he battles a new foe: a plan to
ban software capable of encoding messages so securely that
police can't crack them. A law proposed by the FBI would
mandate an electronic peephole in all encryption programs
so that government agents can read your files. The FBI
claims this is necessary to protect against criminals. But
Silicon Valley chiefs see this as a threat, and are
equipping Gillespie with a multimillion-dollar lobbying and
media budget. Joining him to woo Democrats is lobbyist JACK
QUINN, former counsel to Bill Clinton and ex-chief of staff
to Al Gore.

--By Declan McCullagh/Washington


For details on the new encryption campaign, check out today's Netly News
(netlynews.com) at:



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