Gifts from Hawaii for Mother's Day

moms at moms at
Fri Apr 24 06:06:09 PDT 1998

HAWAII NANI is pleased to offer you unique, made-in-Hawaii gifts that convey
the sense and spirit of Aloha and are very special ways to say "I love you"
on Mother's Day. May we suggest:

ISLAND FLOWER PERFUMES WITH UNIQUE CARD $24.95. Hearts and flowers decorate
this original cover of Mom's card.  And in a hand woven palm-frond "lauhala"
basket, decorated with lively Hawaiian print wrappings and bow, we offer two
unique perfumes of Hawaii.The gentle lavender and light yellow colors of the
Orchid have made it the royal flower of the Islands and inspired our
Hawaiian Orchid light perfume. The velvety yellow and creamy white petals of the lovely Plumeria
yield a soft fragrance reminiscent of the traditional flower lei of the
Islands and inspire our second delightful perfume. Both in soft spray and
made with Aloha, exclusively in Hawaii.  

ISLAND COFFEE BASKET  $19.95 In a "lauhala" basket, two bags of fine
grind,choice estate coffees from the upland plantations of Hawaii and a full
bar-be-que apron of quality cotton in traditional Hawaiian Tapa design or
our DELUXE COFFEE BASKET for $29.95 which also includes four distinctive
cotton Tapa dinner napkins and three bags of very special Hawaiian grown

LOVELY MALIA  $19.95.  A unique rag doll for little girls of all ages. Malia
is a raggedy island girl in a colorful Muumuu, the beautiful dress of
Hawaii. She's 20 inches long, has big, warm eyes and just wants to be
hugged. Malia owns no cars or appliances but she comes in her own "lauhala"
travelling basket and brings Aloha. Lots of it.   

May we airmail a fine Hawaiian gift  to you, or directly to that special
person ? We'll hand sign the gift card when you send a loving touch of
Aloha. Complete the form below and mail your order to: 

HAWAII NANI   PO Box 61928       Honolulu, HI   96839
YES, I want to send a Touch of Aloha. Please send by Priority Mail (cost

_____ISLAND COFFEE BASKET         $19.95 
_____DELUXE COFFEE BASKET        $29.95
_____LOVELY MALIA RAGDOLL         $19.95

I HAVE INCLUDED    $___________  . Priority Mail my Aloha gift to:

CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________ SIGN IT:from__________________  

Send US currency, check or MO only [outside US add $4.00 S/H per package].
Please include your Email address ______________.  Your ALOHA gift will fly
within five days of our receipt of your order. Look for other fine offerings
from Hawaii at our new webstore opening soon at: If our
message has reached you in error we apologize. Aloha and Mahalo.

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