y2k as ideological opportunity.

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Fri Sep 19 20:32:19 PDT 1997

At 09:48 AM 9/19/97 -6, Peter Trei wrote:
>>[IRS collection mechanism collapses due to y2k problem]
>If such a thing actually happened, I strongly suspect they'd
>activate the contingency plan that was developed to maintain
>tax collection after nuclear war; a flat 20% sales tax, 
>collected (I think) by surviving Post Office employees.

That'd only work if all the Post Office employees were armed.
Do they really want _more_ of that?  :-)

>Come to think of it, that might be better than what we have

Actually, the way they'd probably pull it off, since checks tend
to be delivered by mail, is to open all the mail that looked like
it might contain checks or valuable goods and only deliver it
in return for sales tax payments.  Not that they have the infrastructure
to do that any more either....
Bill Stewart, stewarts at ix.netcom.com
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