Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II),was Democracy is the true enemy...

amp at amp at
Tue Sep 9 09:20:19 PDT 1997

> the public needs to eventually learn that for every dollar they send
> to washington, they get only a fraction back, no matter how lucrative
> their own pork. the problem with our
> politics is that voters have not realized that they are almost always
> cheating themselves when they try to cheat their neighbors. it's a shell
> game that they keep playing as long as they think someone else is paying.


> I don't believe there are intrinsic flaws in democracy, so much as
> there are intrinsic flaws in *human*nature* that are coming to light
> after decades. government is a reflection of our human natures.
> one cannot really expect a government to correct the flaws of its
> users, any more than software could do the same.

No intrinsic flaws in democracy? 

Surely you jest. 

Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep getting together to decide what's for 

Please feel free to peruse Article 4, section for of the U.S. Constitution 
The authors of this document "guarantee" only one thing, that is a 
republican form of government. When I hear congresscritters and media 
whores singing the praises of "democracy", I want to puke.

---------------End of Original Message-----------------

Name: amp
E-mail: amp at
Date: 09/09/97
Time: 09:26:22
Visit me at
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#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
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