Democracy is the true enemy, and anarchists fight the true enemy

Tim May tcmay at
Sat Sep 6 10:58:44 PDT 1997

At 11:42 AM -0700 9/6/97, jf_avon at wrote:
>On  5 Sep 97 at 19:07, Cdn-Firearms Digest wrote:
>------ Forwarded message ---------
>Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 19:07:19 -0600
>From: Karl Schrader <schraderkg at>
>Subject: Bill C-95
>Re.: recent amendment to Criminal Code, Bill C-95
>Did any legal expert analyse the recent amendment to the
>Criminal Code regarding  the mere membership in an organization
>consisting of more than 5 people which imposes a penalty in prison
>from 5 to 14 years if any mischief is even mentioned?
>This amendment is aimed at the biker gangs, however, the way it
>is worded, it can be applied to any group, be they environmenta-
>lists, unionists, recreational firearms owners, birdwatchers or even
>stampcollectors where the mere mentioning of mischief is ground
>enough to face 5-14 years in jail.

The United States does not yet have anything quite this repugnant, though
I'm sure Janet Reno, Louis Freeh, and William Clinton are working on a
draft of a bill to do something similar.

The Anti-Terrorism Act of 1995, though apparently not being used in any
significant way (yet), would have done some of the same sorts of things. If
an organization was declared to be a terrorist-supporting organization,
various sanctions would have applied to those who contributed money or
certain other types of aid to such organizations. As others have noted, the
Bureau of Thought Crimes has not yet issued a list of which organizations
are considered terrorist.

(One of my fondest hopes is that the Cypherpunks group makes this list. I'm
hoping that enough support of various types provided to freedom fighters in
the ZOG sections of Palestine will get us on this list. I'm itching for a
confrontation with the jack-booted thugs, as you may know.)

>FOCUS: If 97% of Canadians are being pushed around by 3%,
>              there is something seriously wrong !!

Be very, very, very careful of this sort of "democracy" emphasis, as it is
quite likely that the "majority of the sheeple" support the disarming of
Canadian citizens and the crackdown on "gangs and other scum organizations"
by the Mounties.

Never place any faith in democracy. The sheeple will eventually vote to
have their liberties taken away for their own good. Espeically the
liberties of others.

Democracy is the true enemy. Anarchists fight the true enemy.

--Tim May

There's something wrong when I'm a felon under an increasing number of laws.
Only one response to the key grabbers is warranted: "Death to Tyrants!"
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay at  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^1398269     | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."

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