TruthMonger tm at dev.null
Fri Sep 5 21:37:24 PDT 1997

To everyone I know:
  I've had enough of the bullshit, mind-control fascism surfacing at
an increasingly fast pace in an assault on freedom and privacy.
  I've also had enough of the constant lies of an established political
power structure which is now so firmly entrenched in the seat of power
that they no longer even bother to tell *_good_* lies.
  The final straw, for me, was the inevitable announcement that anyone
paying the least attention could see coming from a mile away, despite
all of the flag-waving, 'land of the free' speeches, and denials by
those in power of their true intentions in regard to the future of 
free speech, liberty and privacy.

5 September 1997, MSNBC:
FBI Director Louis Freeh floats a new proposal at a congressional 
hearing to outlaw non-breakable crypto products.

  Accordingly, I am pledging to henceforth exercise my right to free
speech, in my own manner, right up to the time when we all face
imprisonment for not only free speech, but for freedom of thought,
as well.
  My manner is to call a lying fuck a _lying_fuck_; to call a
rat fucker a _rat_fucker_; to call a fucking imbecile a _fucking
_imbecile_; to call a Nazi piece of shit a _Nazi_ _piece_of_shit_.
  In the future, I plan to express myself in a manner which does
not give support to the 'quiet lies' that are increasingly being
told by the mainstream press and a timid public which are either
too tired of fighting the fascists or have too much invested in
the current system to risk rocking the boat by calling for an
end to bullshit, draconian laws, and increasing oppression and
imprisonment of the citizens of what were once free nations.
  I intend to do so in my private emails, my public posts, and
in the editing of news that I forward to others.


The Fascist White House, Terrorist FBI and co-conspirator 
intelligence agencies claim that the proliferation of unbreakable 
encryption products puts the nation at risk. Unnamed Criminals and 
Mythical terrorists are increasingly using unbreakable encryption 
products, Lying Fuck Freeh testiLied Wednesday. 

  I am forwarding this message to everyone in my email address book
with the suggestion that they consider doing the same, or to take
a similar action which may be more in line with their own character
and predelictions.
  The bottom line:
Our elected legislators, politicians, and public servants are *not*
going to tell us the truth.
The media is *not* going to tell us the truth.
If the citizens don't speak truthfully to one another, then there is
*no* hope of stemming the escalating assaults on privacy and liberty.

As sole member of the TruthMonger Cult of One:
I hereby declare an electronic state of war against the dictatorial,
fascist entities who are attempting to build an ElectroMagnetic
Curtain around an InterNet that served as a truly democratic forum
for Free Netizens until the power structure declared it to be the
forefront of a New World, while eschewing any intentions to bring
it under the thumb of a New World Order.

  I suggest that the Lying Fascist Fucks who are mounting an assault
on the freedom and privacy of their citizens lay in some Electronic
Body Bags.
  Perhaps each truthful word I shoot in their direction will be but
a negligable 'B-B' in reality, but I refuse to refrain from doing
what I can, even if I am wrong about things having reached a stage
where enough people will join in resistance to the assault on
freedom and privacy to bring down the ElectroMagnetic curtain with
a mountain of B-B's.

  I can't stop these dictatorial fascists from telling their lies,
but I *can* still express my view of their crass assault on the
constitutional rights of myself and others.
  I *can* call Louis Freeh, Lying Fuck Freeh.
  I *can* call Bill Clinton, Lying Nazi Schill Clinton.
  I *can* call Dianne Feinstein, Lying Cunt SwineStein.

  I not only *can*, but I *will*.
  I will fight with bytes, even though I know that, ultimately, 
these increasingly violent power mongers will respond with 
bullets if they perceive a great enough threat to risk exposing
their true nature and intentions.
  I believe that I can fire a lot of B-B's at the ElectroMagnetic
Curtain before I 'commit suicide', have a 'tragic accident', or
unwittingly fire one of my electronic B-B's in the direction of
heavily armed, camoflaged secret troops 'defending' the Electronic
Border that the fascists are attempting to build around a formerly
Free InterNet.

  Am I the only one who has noticed that free speech and private
communication on the InterNet posed little 'threat' to society
until the government decided to get increasingly involved?
  Think about it. _Who_is_the_enemy_?
  The Public? The Citizens? I think not...

"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"
"The Final Frontier"

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