
Jonathan Wienke JonWienk at
Tue Sep 2 23:44:21 PDT 1997

At 11:42 PM 9/2/97 -0400, anti-matter aliens from another dimension
tortured Brian until he wrote:
>On 9/2/97 9:28 PM, Jonathan Wienke (JonWienk at passed
>this wisdom:
[Editor's note: this must be how wisdom is like flatus.]

>>What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
>>not be infringed" is too hard to understand? (From 2nd Amendment,
>>U.S. Constitution)
>>When everyone is armed, criminals fear everyone, not just
>>the police.
> Just curious, where did you ever get the idea that criminals fear the
>police? The way our system works these days, the police are hardly
>more than an annoyance and inconvenience (unless of course an NYC cop
>asks if you want to go to the bathroom!) rather than to be feared.

You are right, of course, to a point.  Criminal don't fear cops like
vampires fear wooden stakes, or like certain politicians /
three-letter-agencies fear and loathe private gun ownership, or like most
women fear most spiders and snakes.  However, most criminals do make some
effort to avoid committing crimes in the presence of law enforcement
officers, and try to avoid capture and incarceration by same.  (Those who
don't, appear on "America's Dumbest Criminals" or White House press
briefings, I forget which...)

On the other hand, a homeowner with a 12-gauge riot shotgun or a Desert
Eagle .44 Magnum pistol can instill fear into almost any criminal, even the
stupid ones.  (The only thing I don't like about the Eagle is that a 75+
ounce pistol is rather difficult to conceal.  I have a shoulder holster for
mine, and I have to carry four magazines on the off side so I don't walk
like Quasimodo. :)  Even a Jennings .22 can ruin a mugger's day, assuming
that it doesn't jam, and you can hit anything with it.

Jonathan Wienke

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed" is too hard to understand? (From 2nd Amendment, U.S. Constitution)

When everyone is armed, criminals fear everyone, not just the police.

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