do NOT escrow communications keys (Re: What's really in PGP 5.5?)

Adam Back aba at
Fri Oct 10 05:24:06 PDT 1997

John Noerenberg <jwn2 at> writes:
> At 6:06 PM +0100 10/8/97, Adam Back wrote:
> >
> >Email itself is pretty fragile, and email is not commonly used for
> >long term storage.
> Now this is a pretty bold assertion.  One with which I completely disagree.
> As I peruse my Eudora folder this evening, I can easily pick out messages
> that date back nearly 6 years.  Looking thru IETF working group archives
> (which are *all* email) it is possible to find messages dating back 10
> years and more.

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.  There was some other context
around the above quote.

What I'm saying is that you don't use the *email in transit* for
storage.  You receive the email, then you archive it (store it in your
eudora folder), then you consider it storage.  Perhaps with your
current software you archive the PGP encrypted email.  This is a bad
security practice.  You should have different, storage only keys for
encrypted archives.

Email in transit isn't that reliable.

About the only example of email in transit being considered storage
was a USENET article years ago by someone who considered it a kewl
hack that he had some games or something else which was in breach of
policy in his account and rumor went around that the admin was having
a purge.  He tarred, gzipped & uuencoded the lot and emailed it to
himself down a _long_ ! fowarding path.  It came back to him around 3
days later after the purge.  That's the kind of thing I mean when I
say you don't consider email storage.

I'm arguing that you should not backup, or escrow communications keys,
and that you should backup storage keys.

(Separately I have argued in the past that you should use forward
secrecy to ensure that you have no long term private keys which after
the fact allow you to decrypt traffic -- if a competitor, or the feds
get a copy of this key, your past traffic is vulnerable.  Encrypting
the session key to two long term keys, never mind one, makes this
situation even worse, and also results in a system useable for GAK.)

> Moreover, it is not unheard of during legal discovery for email to be made
> subject to search (Our lawyers are constantly tut-tuting about all the
> email that is saved).  So to say it is not used for long-term storage is
> simply incorrect.

Your lawyers have a good point.  I know a few examples where people
really wish that email hadn't been kept around, as an email sent with
1 minutes thought has been dug up and used somewhat out of context as
the basis of a court case.

A pgp signed email is even worse.  There you have transferable
undeniable signature proving that you wrote the contested email.

I'm sure I've said this all before, but hey, maybe PGP has it's ears
open this time:

You should have two types of email.  "Official statement" type email,
which you might want to back up, and which you might want proof read
and approved by your company legal team, depending on how important it
is.  Official email you want to sign with a transferable signature
(normal pgp signature).

Unofficial email, for example to and fro communications between
co-developers at different companies, etc. you probably don't want
transferable signatures on.  (This is the kind of thing lawyers go
tut-tut about.)  So you use non-transferable signatures.  You use
forward secrecy, and for the really paranoid deliver it via mixmaster
to avoid mail delivery logs.  Archive if you wish.  It'll then be
largely one persons word against the other, as there will be little in
the way of proof of authorship.

> Since your argument pretty much is based on this claim, Adam, I have
> a hard time accepting any of it.

It isn't based on the idea that you never want to store email.  That's
clearly bunk.  I've got 54Mb of old email on my disk.

What I'm arguing is that if you're going to encrypt your stored email
on your disk, that you should encrypt it with a storage key, and NOT a
communications key.  Communications keys should ideally be transient
(via forward secrecy), but failing that you should at least not have
multiple recipients to exarcerbate the problem.

Am I making sense?

I know I'm fighting against the tide .. but I'm confident that what
I'm saying is correct.

Now officially an EAR violation...
Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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