The Right to Work for Nobody / Re: New PGP "Everything the FBI ever dreamed of"

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Mon Oct 6 10:37:45 PDT 1997


In <3438F7E2.7BAE at dev.null>, on 10/06/97 
   at 08, TruthMonger <tm at dev.null> said:

>In Canada, one could 'choose' not to work for Safeway Stores, but the
>chain would come into a community and undersell everyone until the locals
>were run out of business, then raise prices dramatically. In theory, you
>could choose to *not* work for Safeway, but in reality, there was no one
>else left *to* choose to work for in the grocery  business.

I have these same complaints about WalMart and KMart here in the US. It
should be noted that it is the community that *chooses* to shop at the
discount store rather than at the local shops. If they didn't buy products
from the Safeway or WalMart then you wouldn't have the "problem" above.
Economics 101; the people are voting with their wallets.

This is a prime example of the basis of socialism; envy. The socialist are
envious of the rich as they are a constant reminder of "what could have
been". "If I had only worked a little harder" ... "If I only had spent
more time in school" ... ect. After a period of time this envy turns to
jelousy and rage. "It's not fair" ... "There should be a law" ... ect.

The socialist never thinks of the hard work and personl sacrfise that goes
into creating a "Safeway" or "KMart" or "Walmart". Such companies are not
created by an act of GOD but through hard work and long hours by their
founders. While the socialist is pissing his life away on the road to
medocracy the founders of such companies, and 1000's like them, are
working 80+ hours a week building their company sometimes at the expence
of health, home and family.

After years of hard work, when the founders are finaly able to reap the
fruits of their toil, the socialist will step up and say: "I want what you
have, you can't have that because I don't" even though the socialist has
done nothing to earn it. 

This is the true evil of socialism: "Equiality of Outcome". While the
socialist will make a big show of his desire for "equal opertunity" it is
really "equal outcomes" that he desires. It is like the story of the
grashopper and the ant. Both have the "equal opertunity" durring the
summertime to store up for the winter. The ant choses the path of the
capitalist and works hard all sumer long while the grasshopper choses the
path of the socialist and wastes the days away in play and folly. When
wintertime comes along the ant is well prepaired while the grasshopper is
without. While the capitalist will see the grasshopper getting his just
rewards for his foolhardy behavior the socialist will cry foul, seeing
this as unjust that the ant should have so much and the grasshopper so
little and demaniding that the ant give a portion of his "wealth" (a large
portion no doubt) to the grasshopper thus achiving his desired "equality
of outcome" even the grasshopper has done nothing to deserve such an

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at:                        
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