Jim Bell goes to Jail--We should avoid raidable, physical meeting

Chris DiBona dibona at acm.org
Mon May 19 10:37:46 PDT 1997


I couldn't disagree with you more Tim.

If the FBI wants to come raid a Cypherpunk meeting and arrest me, they should be ready for a law suit that will make thier heads spin. I mean can you think of anything more protected by the first amendment than a bunch of hobbiest getting together to discuss math, for christs sakes? I know a couple of lawyers who would drool at the chance to defend someone who is lily white and is arrested for meeting and discussing prime numbers. 

To suggest the cessation of meetings (no matter how worthless Dimitri) really seems to me to be counter to everything this group is about. 


    Chris DiBona

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM [SMTP:dlv at bwalk.dm.com]
Sent:	Monday, May 19, 1997 4:30 AM
To:	cypherpunks at toad.com
Subject:	Re: Jim Bell goes to Jail--We should avoid raidable, physical meeting

Tim May <tcmay at got.net> writes:
> (Also, I suggest _physical_ Cypherpunks meetings not be held for the
> foreseeable future. I know I plan to skip them all. A gathering of "reputed
> information terrorists, who have openly discussed assassination markets, C4
> explosives, and the destabilization of democratic governments" would be too
> ripe a target for clowns like Reno, Freeh, and Kallstrom.)

The physical meetings I've been to were not worth the trip.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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