The Interlinked Cypherpunks Lists? (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at
Tue May 13 18:50:20 PDT 1997


> > * Is it possible for the interlinked lists to send out announcements of
> > list problems to subscriber of all such lists? (Each list owner could do a
> > periodic "who cypherpunks" of the other lists, then use this list to send a
> > message if a problem comes up. More sophisticated cross-processing could
> > eliminate duplicates, etc.)

Sounds like time to start another list subscribed to the existing nodes
and offer such services to the subscribers at the operators whim.

I oppose any action which would force the list to become more 'cooperative'
in the sense that each node operator would be forced (sorta anti-cpunks I
believe) to comply with some set of scripts and such they didn't develop in
the first place. It would be just another means to limit the ability of
people in general, and the cpunks in particular, to communicate with as
little structure and 'authority' as possible. Unless I am seriously
mistaken on this, the point was to make the list more robust and less
centralized. Pretty soon we'll have to join some damn union or something.

Now some of you are going to say that this is taking it to extremes. That
what is being proposed is a good thing and not something that could be used
to 'manipulate' the lists. The road to hell is paved with good intentions,
and the guy driving the paving truck only wants to help you (as he paves
your petunia's).

> > * Alternatively, if one of the sites goes down, such as
> > "cypherpunks at" seems to have done, could the other sites
> > automagically pick up the task of distributing articles until the site
> > comes back up?

This again is anti-cpunks, it forces a level of cooperation and information
sharing that is in direct opposition to beliefs in anonymity and privacy.
I don't want it known who is subscribed to lists through SSZ, in short:
It isn't any of your damn business and quit asking.

Solution? Get a life or start an archive site.

> The only true reliability can be achieved by subscribing to two or more
> cypherpunks sites, and eliminating duplicates. Reliability has its costs.

As do freedom, privacy, anonymity, etc.

                                                  Jim Choate
                                                  ravage at

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