Market Failures, Monocultures, and Dead Kids (Oh My!)

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Tue Mar 18 06:17:31 PST 1997

"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at> writes:

> At 5:48 PM -0600 3/17/97, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> >do you also oppose mandatory liability insurance?
> Yes.

In New York State, every motorist is supposed to have $10K insurance as
well as a licence. Of course, a lot of drivers in New York City have
no licences or expired/suspended licences, and no insurance. If you're
injured by an uninsured driver, or someone who fled, or someone with
no assets and a $10K insurance and $500K claim, then your only hope
to recover something is to carry "underinsurance insurance" with your
own insurer. I understand that it's even messier in New Jersey.

It would be much healthier if instead of trying to file a claim
against the other party's insuerer (if it exists :-) you always
filed a claim against your own insuerer and let them figure out
who to sue. The system doesn't work.

> (By the way, Igor, could you make a greater effort to snip out sections of
> posts you are not directly commenting upon?)

Learn to ignore what you're not interested in, Timmy.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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