(fwd) CarlMStarrsimulationExperiment

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Sun Mar 16 10:04:33 PST 1997

Igor Chudov wrote:

> joe was pulled off a major drug case
> in the wiretapping of my phone i expect a jealous
> husband to tap my phone on in gardner ks on
> No, the above was NOT written by me, nor by carl starrs. It was generated
> by a perl script, which emulates writing styles of different people.
> The way it does it is by keeping track of pairs of words and their most
> frequently used subsequent words. It reads articles (or any text really)
> written by the target person, builds the style tables, and then geenrates
> the "most likely" text.
> Carl starrs was a good target for two reasons, one of which is that he
> does not use punctuation.

Graham-John whoever also did not use punctuation in his sentences.
One could argue that they were too brief, however, proper English
would have dictated a comma here and there.

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