Party on IRC

John A. Perry perry at
Sun Jun 22 03:45:18 PDT 1997

On Sat, 21 Jun 1997, Bill Stewart wrote:

> >Robert Hettinga <rah at> writes:
> >>Is there an encrypted IRC available?
> >>If not, shouldn't there be?
> >>Is such a thing even possible?
> You'd have to think about what you wanted it to do,
> but it should be quite doable.  IRC is normally for sharing
> conversations between an amorphous, changing bunch of people,
> which isn't really a standard thing to do with crypto.  

Actually a simple form of encryption is available. There is a plug-in to
eggdrop called wire. I have used it in my eggdrop bot on #remailop and it
has worked well. Basically you log into the bot with a /dcc chat and then
execute .wire <key> where <key> is a mutually agreed upon key. Then to
send encrypted chats to others that have connected with the same key, each
line that you type needs to be preceded with a ";". I'll fire it up if you
want to look at it. Go to any EFnet server, check in and then go to
channel #remailop. Say hello to rops and then check in. I believe it uses
the crypt(3) function for encryption.

 John Perry KG5RG perry at PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome!
 Amateur Radio Address: kg5rg at
 WWW -
 PGP 2.62 key for perry at is on the keyservers.

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