Flag Burning...

Ryan Anderson randerso at ece.eng.wayne.edu
Fri Jun 13 06:42:44 PDT 1997

On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, RS wrote:

> When it comes down to flag burning, It really bothers me that we allow our
> symbol of freedom to be burned.  It's more than a flag and a right.  It's a
> symbol of the freedom we have.  To allow someone to publicly burn a flag is
> essentially displaying our freedom being burned.

You're missing the point.  Burning the flag, the symbol of this nation, is
a protest that the government is doing something that you find absolutely
reprehensible.  (Or at least should be)  To prevent this burning of the
flag goes so strongly against what the First ammendment sought to do as to
completely ignore it.  

Sure, some people will burn the flag because they like to burn things, or
because they like to cause trouble, but isn't this hard to tell apart from
non-violent protest, one of the fundamental things in this country?

Ryan Anderson - <Pug Majere>     "Who knows, even the horse might sing" 
Wayne State University - CULMA   "May you live in interesting times.."
randerso at ece.eng.wayne.edu                        Ohio = VYI of the USA 
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