May's Banal Rant

Paul Bradley paul at
Tue Jun 3 17:14:03 PDT 1997

> Anarchy can not be achieved by negotiations or cooperation with any
> branch of government. 

Very succintly put, and straight to the point. Even minarchism could not 
be achieved by compromising or negotiating with the current system.

> Neither can crypto-anarchy be achieved by nuking
> DC.

This is not so certain, crypto-anarchy would of course be achieved if 
anarchy in general were achieved, this could occur if strong action were 
taken such as nuking DC. I believe more selective systems such as AP will 
eventually cause the downfall of government, and will do so in a much 
more ethical and discrimatory manner.

> thinking that "something is better than nothing" or "the bastards need to
> receive the punishment they so richly deserve". Neither view will help to
> further crypto-anarchy in any meaningful way.

I don`t believe they are at all comparable statements, the first is a cop 
out, the second simply carries the discussion to its logical conclusion, 
that agressors must be punished and agressive acts must be prevented.

        Datacomms Technologies data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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