$8,900 in 24 Hours

Ron Franklin incrediblesecret at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 1 20:17:17 PDT 1997

The following information could change your life
forever. If this is of no interest to you just hit reply
and put remove in the subject.
Dear Friend, "I made $8,900 in 24 hours! You could do much better! My name is Ron
     Franklin. A little while ago, my life was miserable. I had just gotten married, my wife was
     pregnant and we were $45,000 in debt! I couldn't make the payments and the bank
     repossessed my car. I remember the day my wife phoned me crying. The landlord had
     shown up at the house with an eviction notice because we hadn't paid the rent in three
     and a half months. We stayed at our relatives until we found a new apartment that we
     could afford. Talk about embarrassing! My life sucked and it seemed to be getting worse
     every day. Things are different now. I own and rent out three large homes in Toronto,
     Ontario. My own house is worth over $700,000. My wife drives a Mercedes and I
     trade my car in for a new one every year. I have more money in the bank than I think I
     could ever spend! When I buy something I always pay cash, and let me tell you, it's a
     powerful feeling to finally have control of my life. I have no financial worries anymore.
     Besides that, my oldest boy's in college, my younger son and daughter are wonderful and
     my wife and I love each other very much. I couldn't ask to be happier. My life is perfect!
     Best of all, I have time to enjoy life. No more 50 and 60 hour weeks, working two jobs,
     just trying to pay the bills. No more embarrassing times when the kids needed something
     for school and I didn't have the money. No more fighting with my wife from the stress of
     never having enough money for groceries. I work about two hours a day and that's it!
     The rest of the time is left to have fun and do the things I really love. I finally have time to
     spend with my family. That's better than all the money in the world! My favorite thing is
     to go on picnics with my children. I also love to travel. My wife and I just got back from
     a three week second honeymoon in Cancun. I'm not trying to brag or impress you with
     my wealth. What I'm trying to do is prove to you that if I wasn't lucky enough to have
     learned that secret that day, I would still be poor, probably bankrupt. It was only
     because of that amazing money-making secret that I was able to become debt free, and
     very wealthy. I hate to think of where my family and I would have been without it."
     Knowing this secret changed my life completely. It brought me wealth, happiness,
     freedom and time to be with my family that I love. But most importantly, it gave me
     security and peace of mind. This secret will change your life too! It'll give you everything
     you need and allow you to solve ALL your money problems. Of course, you don't have
     to take my word for it. You can try it out for yourself. I wasted quite a bit of money
     sending away for one money- making scheme after another. I found out what you
     probably already know. They all turned out to be garbage. The only one who made any
     money were the companies who sold them. This secret is completely different. It's unlike
     anything you could ever imagine! I used to be "the little guy". Poor, trying to make ends
     meet (and losing) and with no opportunities at all. Now it's my turn to give something
     back to the "little guy". This secret is incredibly simple. Anyone can use it. You don't
     need special training or even a high school education. There's no physical labor involved.
     It doesn't matter how young or how old you are. It's simple enough for a child to learn in
     a couple hours. You can use this secret in the comfort of your own home or even while
     you're on vacation! I'll tell you more about this amazing secret: With this secret the
     money rolls in FAST. If you can follow easy instructions you can get started in a single
     afternoon and have CASH in your pocket the very next morning! In fact, this is probably
     the fastest, most honest, legal method of making money ever invented! It's risk-free and
     it's not a risky gamble. Everything you do is proven and GUARANTEED. The method is
     so simple, it would be hard to make a mistake even if you tried! This is a VERY safe
     way to make cash. Making money with this secret is a snap. You'll be amazed at how
     easy it really is. You can work or not work anytime you want. You're not tied down to
     anything or anybody. You're the boss and you make your own hours! One of the nicest
     things about this secret is that anyone can do it in their own home. No office. No
     equipment. No staff. No overhead. NO hassles. It doesn't even matter where you live.
     It's perfect for students, homemakers, kids, seniors and anyone who likes the idea of
     being insanely rich with very little work! It's also perfect if you're just looking for a little
     bit of extra part-time cash. This secret will blow your mind! When you use it to make
     money you never have to try to convince anybody of anything. There's no door-to-door
     selling, no telemarketing and no real estate or anything else that involves personal
     contact. So you don't have to be a sales person or know anything about selling! It has
     nothing to do with multi-level marketing, credit card techniques, gambling, chain letters,
     government loans, banking systems, junk mail, party plans, or anything else you may
     have heard about before! This secret is completely legal and honest. You'll sleep good at
     night knowing that you're providing a very valuable service. You'll be proud and excited
     to tell friends and family what you're doing. It'll only take you an hour or two to learn this
     fascinating money-making secret. After that everything's almost automatic. After you
     learn the secret you'll only have to work four or five hours per week! I will share with
     you a secret VERY few people know. Most of those who do know this secret are
     MILLIONAIRES! Once you know it I predict your life will never, ever be the same
     again! And by following the step-by-step instructions I will send you, in just a few hours
     you can earn an extra couple thousand dollars. You're probably sceptical. I wouldn't
     expect less from you. It shows you have good business sense. One young man learned
     this secret, tried it his first day and made $2,000 profit in just a few hours. "This is the
     ultimate lazy guys way to get rich. You'll like how easy it is and you could easily do
     better than $2000 with the easy instructions he'll send you. Thanks Mike." "I never really
     believed your success stories and I never thought I'd be one of them...using your secret,
     in just 8 months I made over $203,000...made over $22,000 in the last two and a half
     weeks! It's simple, easy, very fast...Mr. Franklin, thank you for your Incredible Secret!"
     "It's good and honest money. The secret could make you more money then you'd know
     what to with, though I'm sure you could figure out something! I was supplied with
     detailed instructions and I had cash two days later. Thank you Mike!" "I'm amazed at my
     success! By using your secret I made over $600,000 in five months. That's more than 35
     times what I used to make in a year! (I quit my job after using this secret for 2 weeks!) I
     was waiting for this miracle! Thank you Micheal Franklin." "Your secret is awesome! I
     never expected something so different and easy that will actually make me an easy
     $3,000.00 on a weekly basis. A GREAT many thanks to you." "This is without a doubt
     the most powerful millionaire-maker I've ever seen!" "Two years ago, I sent away for
     your Incredible Wealth building Secret in sheer desperation for a better life... One year
     ago from using your secret a man called and offered me a partnership... I grossed over
     $160,000 cash in seven months! You are a God sent miracle to me. Thank you Micheal
     and God Bless you and your family." "He does more than give general ideas. He gives
     people an easy to follow, A to Z plan to make big money." "I didn't believe you when
     you said the secret could make me money by the next morning. Man was I wrong! By
     the VERY NEXT MORNING $7200 poured in, in less than 24 hours!! I am still
     dumbfounded to tell you the honest truth. To anyone who is considering getting this
     secret: Just Do It! I was sceptical at first but trust me it's well worth it! To The Incredible
     Secret of Wealth: Thank you for making me rich rich rich! I'm not done using this secret
     yet! As you can see, I've found something pretty good. I think I've come across the
     sweetest money-making secret you could ever imagine. Remember- I GUARANTEE
     IT! Usually it takes big money to make big money. This is the exception. But you don't
     have to start small and you don't have to stay small. The size of your profits are totally up
     to you. And there you have it. I've explained this remarkable secret in a special
     money-making plan. I call it "THE INCREDIBLE SECRET TO WEALTH". Some call
     it a miracle. Others call it "the secret that changed my life and gave me astounding
     wealth." You'll probably call it "The Money Secret". You'll learn everything you need to
     know step-by-step. So you too can put this amazing money making secret to work for
     you and make ALL THE MONEY YOU WANT. Either you solve ALL your money
     problems with this secret WITHIN 30 DAYS! or I'll give you your money back. So if
     you have given this an honest effort by following the simple A-Z instructions, and you
     have not made any money within 30 days you can send it back to me and I will return
     your money back no questions asked. That is how sure I am that this will work for
     YOU!! So you have nothing to lose by trying this out!! So if you'd like to make a quick
     ten grand in 24 hours this is just for you! I GUARANTEE IT! And with my guarantee
     there's absolutely NO RISK ON YOUR PART! To order simply write your name and
     address on a piece of paper, enclose your check, money order or cash for ONLY
     $25.00 and send it to:
S.R.B. Marketing 6292-180 Street, Edmonton, AB CAN, T5T 2T2
     Make checks and money orders out to ***S.R.B. Marketing***. That's all there is to it.
     I'll send you The Incredible Secret to Wealth by return mail, along with a copy of my
     money-back guarantee. But my supply is very limited! So send in your order quickly. A
     month from today you will be nothing more than 30 days older. Or you can be free of
     ALL your money problems. It's your decision. Put that way, what's $25.00? P.S. When
     my supply is gone, I will return all orders. 


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