EVENT: Cryptography, scientific freedom & human rights Fri Aug 1!

Shabbir Safdar shabbir at democracy.net
Thu Jul 31 07:40:12 PDT 1997

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                         Government Without Walls
Update No.12             http://www.democracy.net/           July 31 1997
Table of Contents

 - Live cybercast - Cryptography: Scientific freedom and human rights
 - Featured speakers
 - Program overview
 - About democracy.net

Interested in exploring the human rights and scientific freedom
implications of the cryptography policy debate?

Join democracy.net and the American Association for the Advancement of
Science LIVE ONLINE Friday, August 1st for a live cybercast of a Briefing
featuring members of Congress, human rights
advocates, and encryption experts.

Visit http://www.democracy.net/ for details.

  Date: Friday August 1, 1997
  Time: 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm Eastern (9:00 am Pacific)
  Location: http://www.democracy.net/

  What you will need: Web Browser
                      RealAudio (available free at democracy.net)
                      Telnet for Chat (also free at democracy.net)

  Cybercast Components: Live Audio, Live Still Pictures, Live Chat

  In addition, we will be testing live video through RealVideo during the
  cybercast. To check out the RealVideo test, you'll need to download a
  RealVideo player in advance, (recommended), visit http://www.real.com/


 The encryption debate has revolved around issues of industrial
 competitiveness, personal privacy, and the interests of national
 security and law enforcement.  This briefing seeks to bring two more
 issues into the policy discussion: scientific freedom to conduct and
 express cryptographic research, and human rights applications of
 cryptographic technologies.


*  Matt Blaze, Principal Research Scientist, AT&T Laboratories

*  Ian Goldberg, Internet Security, Applications, Authentication and
   Cryptography  Project, University of California, Berkeley

*  Patrick Ball, Science and Human Rights Program, American Association
   for the Advancement of Science

*  Dinah PoKempner, Deputy General Counsel, Human Rights Watch

Additional details on the program are available at the following sites:

 * http://www.democracy.net
 * http://www.aaas.org/spp/dspp/cstc/briefings/crypto/

Democracy.net is a joint project of the Center for Democracy and Technology
and the Voters Telecommunications Watch designed to explore ways of
enhancing citizens participation in the democratic process via the Internet.

This cybercast is made possible though the generous help and support of:

WebActive        -     http://www.webactive.com/
Panix Internet   -     http://www.panix.com/
TheSync          -     http://www.thesync.com/
Digex            -     http://www.digex.net/


democracy.net is a joint project of the Center for Democracy and
Technology (CDT) and the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW) to explore
ways of enhancing citizen participation in the democratic process via
the Internet.

To this end, democracy.net will host live, interactive cybercasts of
Congressional Hearings and online town hall meetings with key policy makers.

democracy.net is made possible through the generous support of WebActive,
Public Access Networks (Panix), the Democracy Network, and DIGEX Internet.
More information about the project and its sponsors can be found at

To receive democracy.net announcements automatically, please visit our
signup form at http://www.democracy.net/
end update no.12                                                   07/31/97

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