Entrust Technologies's Solo - free download

Sandy Harris sandy at storm.ca
Wed Jul 30 21:11:00 PDT 1997

> Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM <dlv at bwalk.dm.com> writes:
> > I ask everyone on these two forums to inform Northern Telecom Forgers /
> > Bell North Forgery Research / Entrust that we will boycott their
> > "security" products as long they continue to employ the child-molesting
> > pedophile Chris R. Lewis - the biggest forger on Usenet.

  Chris Lewis' sexual predilictions are of no concern in the issue of
an individual's right to use any means necessary to force their own
censorous values on the rest of the world.
  Despite what Chris Lewis did to my six year-old niece, I support
his right to destroy the creations of those with whom he disagrees.

  Northern Telecom, Bell Northern and Entrust take the position that
employing persons who openly admit to forgery and censorship should
in no way reflect badly on their production of a product in the
security market.
  Entrust is confident that Chris Lewis' forgery, fraud and deceit
in no way affects the level of trust and confidence that people should
have in Entrust security products. After all, people lie, cheat and
steal all of the time. Why should those who work on security products
be held to a higher standard?

  What this anti-forgery scum, Dimitri, is actually upset about is 
Chris Lewis cancelling spam. He calls that "forgery" because the 
spammer's name goes in the sender field of the cancel message. Nonsense.
  If someone were to put my name in the sender field of email, I would
certainly not call that "forgery," even if they used email sent in my
name to suggest that I participated in the sexual acts Chris Lewis
committed with my niece. (BTW, the charges against me were dropped
after her unexpected death.)

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