Boylovers, NAMBLA, and Net-vigilantes, from The Netly News

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Tue Jul 29 15:08:18 PDT 1997

> From: Declan McCullagh <declan at>
> To: fight-censorship at
> Subject: Boylovers, NAMBLA, and Net-vigilantes, from The Netly News
> -----

>         It started in May, after Cox launched an assault on "boy-lover"
>    web sites in an attempt to force them offline. But she and her allies
>    ran into a serious obstacle: the sites aren't illegal. They're filled
>    not with child pornography -- which is banned by federal law -- but,
>    instead, photos of boys in swimsuits. "They shouldn't be doing these
>    things with the children's pictures," Cox says.

  I checked out the "Sewer" site and followed the links. It seems that
the threat of "boylover" porno on the Internet is so slight that dear
Ms. Suques-Cox's list of "evil" sites is mostly links to the sites of
child actors and actors-guild types of sites which are for the purpose
of highlighting their careers, promote fan clubs, etc.
  In addition, she demands that these sights post (or email her) some
type of "disclaimer" in order to be removed from her sewer list, despite
the fact that the "dirt" seems to be entirely in her twisted little

  No doubt Ms. Suques-Cox is raking in the dough in her efforts to
"fight the good fight" against the demons in her mind, by projecting
them into an outside threat to her world-view.
  I was thinking that perhaps I might be able to ride this fascist trend
to the Big Buck$ by attacking web sites which contain perverted pictures
of such things as cantalopes, cucumbers, valleys, caves,
much anything that is longer than it is wide, or deeper than it is flat.


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