Yet another self-labeling system (do you remember -L18?)

Paul Bradley paul at
Sun Jul 27 11:02:07 PDT 1997

> Tim, if you think that no web site are unambiguously inappropriate for
> children, then you are in a state of denial. 

Please clarrify this for us: What sites would you classify as unsuitable 
for children? What would you define as being a child? What justification 
do you give for supposing certain material to be unsuitable for viewing 
by a certain class of people?

> are a mistake, and should be resisted.  However, I do favor a far less
> ambitious and less informative system (less is more, as far as I am
> concerned), which involves a simple, single voluntary tag, selected by
> the web page publisher, at their discretion, of the nature of 
> <META NAME="Rating" CONTENT="adult">

Would your vision of this be a mandatory system, or totally voluntary? 
Would clearly rating a site incorrectly be punishable in any way?

        Datacomms Technologies data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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