More PGP volunteers needed

Lucky Green shamrock at
Wed Jul 9 08:45:55 PDT 1997


The proofreading of the legally exported PGP source is going pretty slow.
Platform independent source is only 68% done, Windows and Macintosh 6 and
2% respectively.

It would speed things up if more non-US citizens living outside the US
willing to proofread source were to contact Stale Schumacher at
<stale at> to volunteer some time. You can wait for the source
to show up on your favorite ftp site, or you can make it happen. Your choice.

You would need a basic C compiler and perl to join the "Free the Source"
effort. A scanner is *not* needed.

--Lucky, who by law can not participate in the proofreading.
--Lucky Green <shamrock at>
  PGP encrypted mail preferred.
  DES is dead! Please join in breaking RC5-56.

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