RC5-12/32/5 contest solved. Who gets a credit?

Yuri Sorkin sorkin at crl.crl.com
Fri Jan 31 12:57:58 PST 1997

stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:37:57 -0800 

At 09:55 PM 1/28/97 +0100, Germano Caronni <caronni at tik.ee.ethz.ch>
>challenge: RC5-32/12/5
>time: from start of contest until Tue Jan 28 21:54:58 1997
>method: massive distributed coordinated keysearch, details later

which was a bit slower than Ian Goldberg's crack, but pretty close.
Huh!? Goldbeg's announce states that he spent about 3.5 hours, i.e. a
solution came not earlier than 12.30 PST, while Caronni got it at 11.55
am PST.

Yuri Sorkin

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