Workaround for filtering/cybersitter

Sean Roach roach_s at
Thu Jan 30 23:44:03 PST 1997

At 12:28 PM 1/30/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>I would also want to make the ISP's liable for their users accessing this
info. That way I
>can intimidate them into doing all the work for me. (You can see
>this approach in several areas of US law enforcemant. Arrest bartenders for
>serving minors, arrest store clerks for selling cigaretts to minors, shut
down of BBS for
>users posting "dirty pictures", going after ISP's for pirated
>software and other copyright infringments by their users.)
I live in Oklahoma.  Here at least, bartenders don't sell beer to minors,
they sell it to persons who are clearly older.  Older friends of the minors,
and minors who finished puberty early.  The bartenders only protection is to
close up shop, depriving everyone of a drink.
The same is true of tobacco products.  About 8 months ago I had a girl who I
barely knew, except that she was obviously in Junior High, recognize me, ask
me if I was 18, to which I replied yes, and ask me to buy her a carton of
cigerettes, to which I declined.  Not for any law imeding me, but I consider
suicide a right, but I will not help someone kill themselves.  This girl,
more than likely already hooked on the drug, had probably used this
technique numerous times before without a glitch.
The same would be true of blockingon-line content.  If it were done right.

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