Workaround for filtering/cybersitter

Toto toto at
Thu Jan 30 23:30:45 PST 1997

William H. Geiger III wrote:

> Whenever I did decide to prosecute someone I would make it a big public show
> for everyone to see with very stiff penalties.

  Like unsubscribing Dr. Vulis.

> After several of these trails the "sheep
> factor" will keep 99% of the population in line (US Crypto policy is a prime example).

  The cypherpunks-censored list is another example.
> The point I am trying to make is that for the censor his set-up does not need to be that
> sophisticated as fear and intimidation will keep 99% of the
> rank-and-file in line. As for the other 1%, well they already know who they are and new
> laws will only help take care of that "problem".

  No one seems to be calling Sandy's moderation overly sophisticated.


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