Sovreign Right of Lawful Access

tmcghan at tmcghan at
Thu Jan 30 07:59:19 PST 1997

according to the notorious  jim bell <jimbell at>

> {snip} They're getting desperate.  "Sovereign Right of Lawful Access"
> doesn't state HOW DIFFICULT that "access" is to be.  {snip}

Just might get a bit more 'difficult', if these demagogues get their
grandstand play off....

>Encryption Export Bill Backed In Senate

>WASHINGTON - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has endorsed a bill 
>to promote U.S. exports of encryption technology by removing government 
>barriers on foreign sales. 

>"Foreign companies are fully utilizing this technology, while 
>Americans companies have their hands tied with draconian U.S. laws on 
>encryption," Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Missouri, said. 

>He joined Sens Conrad Burns, R-Montana and Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont 
>in endorsing the Promotion of Commerce Online in the Digital Era 
>(PRO-CODE) bill. 

Don't you just love their cute little acronym?  Must have laid awake 
nights thinking that one up!

Thomas M. McGhan
tmcghan at
voice:       (410) 467-3335
fax:         (410) 235-6961
pagenet:     (410) 716-1342
cellular:    (410) 241-9113
ICBM:        39.395N 76.469W

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