Cats Out of Bags

sameer sameer at
Wed Jan 29 15:29:19 PST 1997

	David Aaron seems to make lying out of his ass a hobby. His
talk at the RSA conference was such a load of bullshit it wasn't even

	"Other governments were upset with the 56-bit export
allowance. They said it was going to undermine their national

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> "In an interview Tuesday, [David L.] Aaron [the Feds' Crypto Ambassador] disputed the industry's view that the U.S. efforts to control cryptographic technology are being outstripped by the pace of the technology.
> "When I talk to other governments," he said, "they still don't feel that the cat is out of the bag."
> What the fuck do *they* know?
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Sameer Parekh					Voice:   510-986-8770
President					FAX:     510-986-8777
C2Net				sameer at

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