A moment with Dale (Rejection policy, etc.)

Huge Cajones Remailer nobody at huge.cajones.com
Tue Jan 28 05:33:27 PST 1997

Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997
From: Dale Thorn <dthorn at gte.net>
CC: cypherpunks at toad.com
Subject: Re: Rejection policy, etc.

Dale Thorn obviously wrote:

>I have a great deal of respect for power.  When I was 6, I unwound a
>coat hanger and put both ends into an electrical outlet.  All I
>remember from that is something like a sledgehammer hitting me, and
>I went backwards rather quickly.  And I never did it again.

Why do I do this?

Typical Dale. A moment with Dale. Stories from the past.

However, there may be some grain of truth in this. Such socket poking might well explain Dale's (shall I say) specialness.

He went backwards quickly and has, relentlessly, never reversed direction. 

Too bad he didn't keep on doing it again and again.

Ho hum. More Dale.


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