Best Computer School?

Erp erp at
Mon Jan 27 16:03:06 PST 1997

On Mon, 27 Jan 1997, SpyKing wrote:

> This is a little off topic but maybe someone can help. I've got a teenage
> son (HS sophomore) who's interested in majoring in computer science in
> college with a particular interest in cryptography. He's leaning toward MIT.
> Any suggestions from list members as to colleges to investigate? 

Well in reference to MIT..  I hope he has a 4.0 in highschool, is an
allsport, has a 1600 on his SAT's, and a prefect on his ACT..  Just to
even think about going there..  Let alone to include how well he'll have
to do on his interviews etc..  Also you may wish to have him look again at
what he wants to be before he goes to some major college such as MIT,
because tuition at MIT costs approx 100,000$/4 years.  Personally that is
a hell of a lot, but then again *shrug*...  I recommend going to a local
small college, get his associates, see if that is what he still wants to
do, then go on from there.  I know many people that started in Computer
Science and died after the first year.  
Now colleges that are good for Computer Sc ience..  I have heard that RIT
is good..  but I'm nto sure on that..  I know pretty well positive that
MIT is excellent, but when you get down to the basics MIT is more of an
engineering school than a science/philosophical school which Computer
Sciences falls under..  Another good school from what I've heard is UCLA..
then again you can discredit anything I've said, because I'm still a
HighSchool senior myself and have been looking into Computer Criminology
for the last three years, and I'm positive it is what i want so *shrug*..

Ok later...



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