
Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at
Sun Jan 26 20:07:07 PST 1997

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Dale Thorn <dthorn at> writes:
> > > Given how fast online gambling is growing, how soon do we have to wait for
> > > a web site for taking bets on deaths of politicians and other prominents?
> > > Why not set one up, using "funny money" not convertible to anything?
> >
> > If AP could really work, and AP is enabled by strong p-k crypto,
> > that fact alone would justify the Washington boys doing *everything*
> > in their power to stop *real* crypto (i.e., no back doors).
> But they can't; and their efforts (ITAR, EAR, et al) are totally irrelevant
> and ineffective and not worth the time people spend fighting them.
> A prototype AP betting server, first limited to very innocent events (like
> usenet postings containing certain regexps) and using "funny money" for bets,
> would be a good demo.

I have a feeling that you are missing the point. The point of AP 
is not to bet on whether a certain event will occur or not. The point 
is that only a person who really makes it happen (assassinates someone)
will know enough to get the money.

All other betters who do NOT intend to bring the event about will
expect to lose money, because they will not be able to make a
sufficiently good prediction.

It is not a bookie system, it is a collective anonymous hire-a-hitman 

Yuor suggestion about trying a demo about homophobic posts is good, BUT
what needs to be added to make it a good demo is a danger for the poster
to lose an account. I.e., the requirement to such a homophobic post should
be that 1) it should be PGP signed by a real person and 2) it should 
have a correct return address.

Any fool can send an anonymous message, and that would have no 
educational value and no value for the AP demo.

	- Igor.

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