(Fwd) Just Say No to Telcom "Reform"

Toto toto at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 26 19:58:10 PST 1997

Ross Wright forwarded:
> President Clinton and Congress promised the American people that
> enactment of the Telecommunications Reform Act would lead to a
> cornucopia of technological innovations that would change the nation's
> cultural frontiers, expand our choices, dazzle our eyes, and inform
> our minds.  Instead, we've been censored in cyberspace, subjected to
> TV ratings systems, and prevented from experiencing the benefits of a
> truly competitive marketplace by the emergence of "cartels" created by
> mega-mergers in the telecommunications and media industries.

  Surprise, surprise!
> This is not reform!  And it's not too late to demand that our decision
> makers deliver on what they promised us on February 8, 1996:

  Yes it is.
  Nobody in politics gives up the ground they've gained. The fact that
they were able to hose the citizens the first time around only 
reinforces their certainty that they can continue to do so.
  While people are still fighting the earlier, lost battles, they are
preparing for the next one.
  I fully support anyone who wants to continue to fight past battles,
present battles, and future battles, on the level of surface politics.
But I think that their efforts are most effective if they add the
tools and weapons developed by the underground to their battles.
  Let them know that if they want to censor you, they will have to
censor your 'strong' crypto. Even if you choose to fight by showing
up with your gun on your hip, at high-noon, it still doesn't hurt to
have one tucked in your boot, as well.


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