Sort this directly to Flames, was Re: Homosexuals

snow snow at
Sat Jan 25 22:07:21 PST 1997

> In <199701241414.GAA25350 at>, on 01/24/97
>    at 07:17 AM, "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at> said:
> +Anything?  My good friend TRRCJ3 reports from San Francisco that the
> +city is much nicer now that so many homosexuals are 6 feet under.
> +Thank God for AIDS.
>         when AIDS was relatively obscure, I always dismissed AIDS as
>     God's response to homosexuality (and other crimes against nature);
>     i.e. -settlement by a just God.

     I almost threw a dumb ass redneck of a ship in the middle of the ocean
for a comment like this.

    I've read a lot of your rantings on this list, and I agree with some of 
them, but statements like this prove that you are a bigoted idiot. You may
have some areas where you know what you are talking about, and I wouldn't want
to be on the sharp end of a gun you were holding, but your head is definately 
stuck firmly up your ass. 

>         Unfortunately, some of these boy-girls could not keep it among
>     themselves, and the closet queens brought it home.  AIDS replicates

     Let's not forget the Hemophilliacs(spelling) and IV drug users.

>     asexually, knowing no boundaries.

     It was purely by accident that HIV was first noticed in the Homosexual 
population in this country.

    Viruses don't know anything about a persons sexual preference, and any 
so called "god" that would use such a non-selective weapon is not a god 
intelligent people should worship. Such a god would be a blind ignorant god.

>         I would not wish the disease upon anyone, but if you play, you
>     just might pay --as in "...reap what thy hath sown."

    Tell that to some 1 month old whose mother infected him/her. Tell that
to a 5 year old who got it from a blood transfusion. 

>         To be strongly opposed to homosexuality has nothing to do with
>     bigotry, political correctness, or aberrationist apologists; it is
>     an exposition of the natural order among the species.

     Answer me 2 questions:

     1) If homosexuality is a "choice", why would anyone choose that lifestyle
where the averge life expectancy is in the 40's, that causes so much pain 
among ones family, and so much conflict with the rest of society.

     2) If it is not a choice, why would "god" punish those who had no choice? 

>         and for those who deny God, read Darwin as to the relative
>     rate of survival for deviant and/or abnormal species.

     Then how do you explain homosexual behavior in several other species 
that seem to be doing quite well?

     The answer is you can't. You adopt a knee-jerk position that reinforces
your deliberate isolationism. Anything that may cause you to question your 
worldview gets sorted to /dev/evil and you plow ahead like some pig ignorant 
dough boy killing as ordered for king and country.


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