testing email from airport kiosk

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 25 02:11:56 PST 1997

An update on the SF airport kiosk email machines:
Judging from the headers, there _is_ a Linux machine driving
the laptops, and there's a Metricom ricochet modem
providing the communications path - interesting alternative to wires,
and I guess they don't mind having the extra radio waves in the airport.
It does support anonymous email, in that you can type in
any email address you want, and it doesn't seem to mind.
In addition to limited web, telnet,  and outgoing email, 
it lets you retrieve email with POP3.  Doesn't seem to be a way
to get it to run a program, though :-) 
Return-Path: <johndoe at airport.sf.na>
Received: from linux.quickaid.com (root at www.quickaid.com [])
by ixmail4.ix.netcom.com (8.7.5/SMI-4.1/Netcom)
	id VAA18934; Wed, 22 Jan 1997 21:59:22 -0800 (PST)
From: johndoe at airport.sf.na
Received: from SFO-00-6.ricochet.net ([]) by
linux.quickaid.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id WAA22004 for
<stewarts at ix.netcom.com>; Wed, 22 Jan 1997 22:00:13 -0800
Message-Id: <199701230600.WAA22004 at linux.quickaid.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 21:58:40
To: stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Subject: testing email from airport kiosk
X-Mailer: QuickAID Kiosk

who am i

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at ix.netcom.com
# You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp
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